

Welcome to Ponoka Toros Softball.  Ponoka Minor Ball has a strong desire to provide all levels of girls softball opportunities for athletes, coaches, umpires and parents within the community of Ponoka.

Annual General Meeting / AGM Attendance Discount / Online Registration

Ponoka Minor Ball hosted their 2025 Annual General Meeting on October 22, 2024.  If you are unable to attend and have any questions, please reach out to the President or a Vice President for the type and level of ball your child is looking to play. Online registrations for Toros Softball will open between December 1-5, 2024. When registrations have opened, please click on the following link to access the Registration process for the upcoming season: 2025 Softball Registration

Toros Player Evaluations

Evaluations for Ponoka Toros Softball will be dependent on the number of players that have registered for in the Ponoka, Alberta Association. Should there be enough players to form multiple teams, evaluations may be held at a date to be determined.


U9 - Players born in 2016 & 2017

U11 - Players born in 2014 & 2015

U13 - Players born in 2012 & 2013

U15 - Players born in 2010 & 2011

U17 - Players born in 2008 & 2009

*For Players born in 2018 and younger, please see our Learn to Play program for more information available. There may also be opportunity for higher skilled players born in 2018 to move up to the 9U age division.

Toros Player Registration Fee

U9 - $230

U11 - $310

U13 - $335

U15 - $355

U17 - $365

Toros Softball Additional Fees

If a Toros team decides to enter a tournament, play exhibition games or enter provincials there may be additional expenses.  To minimize these additional fees per player, teams may organize a fundraiser(s) or obtain sponsors. Teams can also choose to create a slush fund, where any remaining money in the slush fund would be returned at the end of the season.

Register Player(s)

Registration for Ponoka Toros Softball will open between December 1-5, 2024. Click HERE to register a player in the upcoming season (End date for registration for the Girls Toros Softball program  will be February 15, 2025).

Softball Alberta

For more information about the Softball Alberta and Softball Canada:

Additional Information

For further information about this division, please contact the PMBA Vice President of Softball at


Name Position Contact
Alyssa Prediger Softball Coordinator

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